mineralogist - Yes, but what is six times nine?
Nakissos - I recommend all of Adams' books, they are all brilliant. I learned more from them than I ever did from the bible.
thanks to many fine posters i think we can make an intelligent choice.
cast your vote and debate if you like.
mineralogist - Yes, but what is six times nine?
Nakissos - I recommend all of Adams' books, they are all brilliant. I learned more from them than I ever did from the bible.
if you could have any job, career .......something you are very passionate about , what would it be?.
i would be a photographer,,,,,,,taking picutures world wide, and hopefully be on the cover of time magazine , national geographic.. my second choice would be a makeup artist like kevin alcoin ( sp) , he could do magic and make anyone look like who he wanted them to be.
truely an artist and too bad he passed away.
I would be a space faring pot farmer.. I can't think of anything better than cruising around the universe with grow lamps and greenage.
funny, but adult humor.. http://www.trioplus.tv/plus/princess/ep01.swf.
have yet to update my profile.
i'm right in victoria.
new job (more work, less pay, what more could i want) does not start up for a little while yet.
Enjoy the BC bud.
well, i guess it's time i came clean.
i've actually been seeking reinstatement for almost six months now.
by getting married, i've removed the next-to-last obstacle to being a part of jehovah's clean people once again.
damn mischief makers... you had me at hello.. er. i mean. i feel for it. good one.
pretty entertaining.... http://www.ircbible.destrukto-theater.nl/.
<Sirius Dogma> OMFG LOL !!!1
* Sirius Dogma has quit IRC (signed off)
some people say the supreme being is male, some say it is female.. some call it goddess, some call it god.. of course this all pre-supposes one exists in the first place, but that aside, what do you think?
does god have a gender, what is that gender and what do you call it god or goddess?.
for me, i don't think god has a gender, if one exists.
I am surprised most are saying non-gender.
Bethelite = Bet The Lie
Elders of the Flock = Deft Fool Hecklers
Fundamentalist = Mutants Find Ale (actually there is a whole bunch for this one) http://www.indianagrams.com/cgi-bin/anagrams/find.pl?action=find&input=fundamentalist&exclude=&include=&min_letters=
Find your own Anagrams.. fun for hours and the kids.. and those just bored and who spend too much time on the computer...
just type in your word or phrase and it spits out a list of anagrams
i'll start:.
jehovah's didactic witnesses.. englishman.
Jehovah's Fundamentalist Witnesses